What is JavaScript- Essential Concepts Made Clear

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What is JavaScript

What is JavaScript- Essential Concepts Made Clear

JavaScript is the world’s most popular computer programming language. It is estimated that 98% of websites use JavaScript. But what is JavaScript, and why is it used everywhere online?

It is common for web developers and programmers to learn hypertext markup language (HTML), cascading style sheets (CSS), and JavaScript at the beginning of their careers. To build websites, you’ll need to know each of these languages. As you create your website, you’ll need to understand how those components work together.

What is JavaScript

The JavaScript programming language is a dynamic programming language. It is lightweight and most commonly used as part of websites, allowing client-side scripts to interact with the user and make dynamic pages. This is one of three elements that define the modern web and are all necessary for web development. To understand JavaScript, you must understand HTML and CSS.

HTML is the building block of the web. Structures web pages and tells a browser how to display them. The code can be used to create page titles, headings, tables, hyperlinks, images, and other HTML elements.

The CSS language tells the browser how to display elements on a web page. For example, CSS can be used to set font sizes, colors, and other styling for headings. A CSS stylesheet identifies your HTML code and styles it.

The JavaScript programming language builds on the ASP.NET and HTML programming languages to add interactive behavior and dynamic web pages. An email signup form is a good example. The structure of the form and button is created by HTML. It is styled with CSS. It is JavaScript that makes the form and button work. When someone clicks the button, it can tell the browser where to send the data and what to do after they click it, such as sending them to a thank you confirmation page.

Sign-up forms are only one aspect of what JavaScript can do to enable user interaction. Using this language, developers can add dynamic content and interactive elements to the front end.

JavaScript can also be used to build back-end functions, such as data retrieval and authentication, that users do not directly access. HTML and CSS websites allow you to view content, but you cannot interact directly with any elements. The JavaScript programming language makes websites dynamic and interactive. Interactive maps, rotating image carousels, and real-time charts are just a few examples of what you can add.

How does JavaScipt work?

The JavaScript script runs on the client side. The majority of Web applications, such as search engines, work by interacting with an external server from the user’s device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.). On the server side, information is sent to the client side, which in turn displays a Web page on the user’s device.

A client-side script is a programming language that runs entirely on the client’s computer and does not interact with the server in any way. As an example, if you have Web pages loaded on your computer and your Internet service provider goes down, you can still access the Web pages already loaded. However, you will not be able to navigate to new Web pages or access any remotely located data.

Features of JavaScript

JavaScript has the following features:

  1. JavaScript is supported by all popular web browsers because they come with built-in execution environments.
  2. The JavaScript programming language is based on the C programming language. As a result, it is a structured programming language.
  3. It is a weakly typed language, where certain types are implicitly cast (depending on the operation).
  4. JavaScript uses prototypes instead of inheritance in its object-oriented programming language.
  5. It is a lightweight, interpreted language.
  6. There is a case-sensitive aspect to this language.
  7. The JavaScript programming language is supported by several operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
  8. It gives users a lot of control over their web browsers.

How to learn JavaScript

By learning JavaScript, you’ll be able to add a valuable skill to your resume and gain a deeper understanding of how websites work. JavaScript is easy to learn, allowing you to expand your skills and apply them to new situations. Following these steps will help you learn JavaScript if you’re interested in a career writing code and programming web applications:

1. Learn HTML and CSS

The JavaScript programming language is closely related to HTML and CSS. Take the time to learn each language thoroughly before moving on to JavaScript. It is easy to learn HTML and CSS, and there are many free guides available online.

2. Take an online course

Online courses offer nontraditional learners and high school graduates an opportunity to learn JavaScript programming. Online classes offer flexibility and affordable tuition. Online classes allow you to learn JavaScript at your own pace. No matter what level of experience you have with JavaScript, you can customize your JavaScript learning experience.

3. Join a study group

Taking part in JavaScript study groups can help you improve your creativity and communication skills. Study groups are a great way to decipher complex JavaScript concepts and keep up with new developments. Build your coding habits and learn how to speed up your work by comparing, teaching, and learning JavaScript programming perspectives.

Learning JavaScript can take up to nine months. If you have never coded before, this process may take longer. In most cases, developers will recommend you learn HTML and CSS first. Because JS is everywhere on the internet, there are numerous resources to help you.

Future of JavaScript

JavaScript was one of the first client-side scripting languages on the Internet, and it is still one of the most popular. The JavaScript language has been improved many times over the years because developers believe it is inefficient and finicky. There are many JavaScript libraries developed by enterprising programmers, which are less complex coding languages built from the building blocks of JavaScript.

For instance, JQuery simplifies and expands many JavaScript animations and interactive functions, while Backbone.js simplifies responsive design.

As developers build more complex applications, JavaScript has become an integral part of the Internet experience. E-commerce, search engines, content management systems, responsive design, social media, and phone apps would not be possible without it.

A Brief History of JavaScript

It was in 1993 that Mosaic became the first popular web browser. The company Netscape was founded by Marc Andreessen in 1994. It became apparent to him that the web had to become more dynamic. To make web designing easier for designers and part-time programmers, HTML was believed to have a ‘glue language’.

Therefore, in 1995, Brendan Eich was recruited to implement and integrate Scheme programming language into the browser. But before Brendan could begin, the company merged with Sun Microsystems to add Java to its Navigator so it could compete with Microsoft over web technologies and platforms. There were now two languages: Java and scripting. A similar name was given to Netscape’s scripting language as to Java.

This led to the creation of Javascript. Eventually, Marc Andreessen coined the first Javascript code called ‘Mocha’ in May 1995. The marketing department later changed the name to ‘LiveScript’. However, in December 1995, the language was finally renamed to ‘JavaScript’ because of trademark reasons. It was then that JavaScript was born.

Final Thoughts

JavaScript faces a lot of competition in the modern world. If you’re writing routine scripts or applications, it’s quite easy to switch from Node.js to any other widely used language, including Python, C, C++, Kotlin, Ruby, Smalltalk, and more.

However, JavaScript may be your only option if you want to develop front-end applications. If you wish, you may still use transpilers to translate your code base into browser-acceptable JavaScript. During your career at a web development company, you may have used JavaScript, and now you are seeking the best JavaScript solutions. JavaScript has become a popular language among developers worldwide since 1995.

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